Private whois, protect your personal data
ICANN (the highest international entity that manages the allocation of domain names) requires that the registration data of an Internet domain be published in a public database, accessible through the WHOIS, and that they be real, so that the owner is always locatable for administrative and legal purposes. Otherwise, you can lose your domain.
However, many companies use this public information (your name, email, telephone, address ...) to send unsolicited advertising: spam, telemarketing, identity theft ...
The Private Digital Whois service of Entorno Digital will allow you to protect your personal data that appear in the WHOIS and to continue complying with ICANN regulations. In addition, you will still be accessible, because if for any reason someone has to communicate a notification as the owner of the domain, the email account that will appear in the whois will be redirected to the owner's email.
Keep in mind that even if you have the private Whois service you are still the legal responsible for your domain. The Protection of Whois guarantees the privacy of data against fraudulent use by third parties, but does not exempt from complying with current legal regulations.
This service can be used with the following domain extensions: .com, .net, .info, .biz, .org, .cc, .tv, .cat, .mobi, .tel, .mx and cm.