Domain extensions

More than 1,000 domain extensions at your fingertips

Domain extensions

We offer more than 800 domain extensions, including Country TLDs (ccTLDs), generic TLDs and new domain extensions. You can choose by criteria, country, region, industry, promotions,and more. If you already know the desired domain just register it with us.

Domain TLDRegisterRenewal
.kw Kuwait
€480.00 (2 years) €480.00 (2 years)
.kz Kazakhstan
€120.00 €120.00
.land Generic
€43.00 €43.00
.lat Generic
€39.00 €39.00
.law Generic
€129.00 €129.00
.lawyer Generic
€53.00 €53.00
.lease Generic
€59.99 €59.99
.legal Generic€65.95 €65.95
.lgbt Generic
€69.99 €69.99
.li Liechtenstein
€35.00 €35.00
.life Generic
€43.00 €43.00
.lighting Generic
€29.99 €29.99
.limited Generic
€35.00 €35.00
.limo Generic
€59.95 €59.95
.link Generic€19.95 €19.95
.live Generic
€34.95 €34.95
.loan Generic
€39.00 €39.00
.loans Generic
€115.00 €115.00
.lol Generic
€39.00 -
.london Generic
€69.00 €69.00
.lotto Generic
€1,995.00 €1,995.00
.love Generic
€39.00 €39.00
.lt Lithuania
€49.00 €49.00
.ltd Generic
€31.00 €31.00
.ltda Generic
€49.95 -
* Prices without VAT