If you renew your brand in Trademark Clearinghouse for 3 or 5 years you can benefit from more than 30% discount:
Current Price: 189€/year*
3 Year Promotional Renewal: 130€ x 3 = 390 euros*
5 Year Promotional Renewal: 130€ x 5 = 650 euros*
We remind you the main benefits of having your brand protected in TMCH (Trademark Clearinghouse):
PRIORITY: | You will have priority to register your domain in every new gTLD before they open to the general public. |
PROTECTION: | Your brand is safe because you are the only one who has the right to register your domain during the Sunrise phase of each gTLD. |
SURVEILLANCE: | With TMCH Claims Notification Service you will be notified for any domain name matching your Trademark Clearinghouse which is activated in a new gTLD. |
*Prices excluding VAT
*Promotion valid until December 31, 2015