Entorno Digital, with the collaboration of the public business entity RED.ES and coinciding with the SIMO in Madrid, launches a special offer for domains .es. During November you can register, through Entorno, your domains .es for only 5 euros (VAT included) and .com.es, .nom.es and .org.es for only 2 euros (VAT included) .
When yo access to the registration of a domain .es, .com.es, .nom.es or .org.es in www.entorno.es you will be able to check that the registration has the commented costs. This way we hope we facilitate the registration of these type of domains, which have increased significately since last year, when the normative was adapted.
What is more, you will be able to find redirections, plans, email,.... So you can give services with added value to your domains absolutely guaranteed.
Campaign conditions: This price is only valid for registration of domains. Promotion valid for the first 4000 domains .es which are registered during November. If the compra of the domain is offline there will be an additional cost of 9 euros (VAT not included). .